Woburn Sands Recreation Ground

‘The Rec’ is the green open space near the Woburn Sands Railway Station. The Old Fire Station building is located at one end and the pelican crossing over Station Road is at the other end. It is the largest green play and social space in Woburn Sands.

Along with the Old Fire Station, Woburn Sands Recreation Ground is owned by The Gravel Pit Close Charity.

Woburn Sands Town Council are the trustees and manage the recreation ground on behalf of the charity. 


Holding a Community Event on the Recreation Ground

Any event organiser who wishes to host a community event on the Recreation Ground can make an application to the Town Council. A form for this purpose, along with full terms and conditions, can be downloaded from here:

GPCC TandC Feb 2024.pdf  

GPCC Booking Form Feb 24.pdf